Friday 22 June 2012

Say what?

You've just chewed me out for waiting for your prescription, ... while I ran to catch the phone, type your prescription, count your pills, verify it with the pharmacist and run back to the cash... 
Next you load the counter up with 20 odd articles expecting me to ring them up with your $3.49 prescription, while 8 others sit in the waiting room waiting for their pain medication...
Say what?

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Break Time

Breaks are fun, when you get them.
Today on my break, I got to sit and watch people have their passport photos taken while eating my snack in the lunchroom. This was followed by a wretched smell of someones foul smelling turds in our bathroom which we share...
Note to self:  bring lysol to keep in locker so I can spray away those nasties and enjoy my break in peace.

A Pharmacy Technician, it's for you!

Here are some reasons why you should be a tech!

You get paid under $20/hr for the rest of your life.
You get to wear the same clothes everyday and they are polyester!
You never get home before 7pm weekdays and work weekends twice a month.
Lunch and bathroom breaks don't exist! 
You learn to eat under 2 minutes and not get indigestion.
Cold coffee and cold food actually tastes delicious.
You wear a name tag for the world to see your name.
After 30 years you still use a punch clock daily.
You answer the phone 100 times a day (minimum)
You take the blame for everything, customer is always right.
You negotiate time and money all day long.
You manage counting pills, answering the phone and running the cash at the same time and not make an error.
You empty garbage cans daily.
You wash counters daily.
You stock the pharmacy with bags, paper, vials and bottles daily.
You bend over every minute and pick up crates of medications to put away.
You run in circles.
You answer to annoying pharmacists who patronize you by calling you sweety only because they don't even know your name.
You have customers yell at you and complain all the time.

You learn resistance, patience, compassion, perserverance  and come back for more every day.!

What other job offers this to you?
I love my job.

Friday 25 May 2012

I Have A Sore Throat

I'm sorry! 
You came into the pharmacy ranting and raving about a sore throat you have and was wondering what I could recommend to help you.
While politely trying to interrupt you to redirect you over to the pharmacy advice area I couldn't help but stare at the red, round, shiny rash on your shoulder.
Lady!! You have ringworm for petes sake and you're worried about your voice and throat.
Does this not concern you?
I mean really.............

It Happens

My Life is at Risk!

The other day we were comparing stories at different experiences we've had. It's pretty freaky to think about how dangerous our jobs can be sometimes!
People are not only sick when they come in but they are usually quite angry from having waited at their doctors office for so long. This makes their fuse short and they are ready to blow.
Not being able to reach the doctor either can cause someone to flip out too.
We seem to take a lot of the brunt.
I've seen people come in with a syringe loaded with blood, threatening to jab one of us if we don't fill his narcotic prescription. We've had a lady come in with a plastic shopping bag filled with urine ready to dump it on us, but instead just throws it across the counter at us and lets it spill everywhere.
It's rather abusive sometimes, not to forget the verbal abuse we take (with a smile).
So I'm thinking... why don't we have glass to protect us like they do at the clinics?
It would stop the germ transfer to a bit.
Just a thought? What's your thoughts?